Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities

The Text in the Age of Digital Reproduction

 Author: Christian Wittern


The digital reproduction of texts, maps, still images, moving images and sound brings about a profound revolution in how we relate to cultural artefacts past and present. What was separated by time and in completely different media and realms, becomes reduced to bits and bytes and travels side by side in fiberoptic networks around the globe, made available to us immediately as we request it. This profoundly not only changes the cultural artefact itself, but also the way we relate to it.

In this paper, I will discuss some of the implications this has, but I will focus on the technical side of this development. Also, instead of discussing new media in general, I will account only for textual material, not for visual or acoustic forms, except in a very general sense. In the process of digitization, there are important considerations to be made that have not been required before. While digitization seems to be a simple and straightforward technical process, it actually relies heavily on the interpretation of the source material. This has to be based on thorough consideration and should be done carefully and informed.

Digitization can take place on several different levels and the level to choose depends on its intended use. I will focus my attention on the digitization of text and will use the digitization of the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka as an example.

The questions I will try to answer are the following: What is the process of digitization? What assumptions are implied by digitization? What kind of different levels do exist and how do they relate to each other?

It will be important to take these questions and there answers into consideration when dealing with digital media, since there are a number of decisions to be made. Digital media by itself have no a priori architecture, it is our interpretations that call this architectures into existence. For this reason, it is important to make these interpretations explicit and arrive at informed decisions, since this will very directly influence the usefulness of digital texts.


1. Introduction

In 19351, Walter Benjamin wrote his famous essay Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit2 [The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction3], which was later to be reproduced endlessly to become a classical theoretical piece in an easily digestible form. In this essay, he argues that the originality of the work of art is lost when it is reproduced with the means of technology, since its specific `aura' can not be reproduced and is only perceivable in the presence of the work of art. But even without this `aura', the new presence of the artwork in places where it did not penetrate before, is an important achievement that makes it accessible to masses as never before: ‘The cathedral leaves its locale to be received in the studio of a lover of art; the choral production, performed in an auditorium or in the open air, resounds in the drawing room.’ Unfortunately, not only in the drawing room, but also in the supermarket, airport and commercials: It has become an integral part of modern life and completely changed its character. If we want to experience the original aura however, we still need to go back to the place where the cathedral stands or where a performance is taking place.

In this paper, I would like to offer my own perspective on reproduction through means of technology, not of works of art in general, but of texts, which unfold and reach its audience in a much different way than the works of art analyzed by Benjamin. I am also not concerned with the `technical' reproduction in general, but only with its digital form, which can also be seen as a subset of Benjamins topic. My aim is to provide a theoretical framework to understand the working of digital texts, but I am not going to explore its implications for a larger aesthetical and political framework; I will be much more concerned with the technical side here. In a way, this can be seen as some kind of footnote to Benjamins essay, since the original work of art is completely out of scope for my discussion here, I am concerned only with its digital representations.

2. A general model of Digitization

In order to lay a foundation for this discussion, it seems to be necessary to device a processing model for digital works. This should be general enough to be applicable to all forms of digital content, but is specifically intended to be applicable to text.

2.1. First try: A simple model for digital processing

A simple model for digital

Figure 1   A simple model for digital processing

In this model, the `original', which is itself outside of the digital world (indicated in the upper part of the model with a darker background), is represented in digital form by two kinds of representations: The first type, which in Figure 1 is labelled with A is what I will call an `immediate' representation, it is immediate in the sense that the transformation to the digital medium `only' involves a transformation but not an interpretation. A second type of digital representation is labelled B and is called a `mediate' representation, since it is arrived at through an act of interpretation, either of a digital form of type A or directly of the original outside the digital medium.

To make the differences of these types clearer, I will list some examples in the following table:

Table 1: Some common formats for the two types of digital representation
Type of medium Immediate representation Mediate representation
acoustical WAV MIDI
audio-visual AVI, MPEG ??

In this table, the textual form shares the same immediate formats with the graphical forms, which underlines the fact that as far as digital media are concerned, a text in immediate representation is just another graphical entity and none of the handling that is available for text can be applied to this form. It is also interesting to note that, although it might seem that the mediate textual representation is somehow derived from the immediate presentation form, it was the first and for some time primary form of textual representation in the digital medium. The reason is not difficult to discern: The textual representation could almost be called the native language of a computer, since this can be easily reformulated as symbolic manipulation, which is at the heart of all computer based operations. This is especially true for text generated directly in an electronic medium, through typing on a keyboard or some similar mechanism, as is the case with this paper.

In order to fully represent digital operations in this model, however, it needs a little refinement. Strictly speaking, none of these digital formats can be directly encountered, all of them need an application that renders them in a comprehensible way. Any digital format is just a string of bits that ultimately can be reduced to 0 and 1. The expected rendering of the contents of the format depends on the correct interpretation of these bits. Depending on the type of the content, this can very well involve a number of different steps. In order to simplify the discussion, I will concern myself only with graphical formats, including text.

2.2. Second try: A modified model of digital processing

 A modified model of digital processing

Figure 2    A modified model of digital processing

In Figure 2 the model has been modified to include the steps of rendering of a data format. As can be seen, for the immediate format, the rendering depends only on the information stored in the data file, from which the visual representation can be directly derived. For the mediate representation, however, an additional step is required, that retrieves graphical representation of the units that are stored in the file, but the information of the visual representation itself is not stored. From this can than a visual representation be constructed, but this representation has a much loser connection to the contents of the data file, it is just one of a number of representations, whereas an immediate digital form has only one correct rendering (all other renderings would misinterpret the bytes in the file and produce only garbage).

It should also be noted, although this will become clearer later, that in the digital medium the work of art is not directly encountered, it has always to be interpreted by an application. In contrast to the uniqueness of the work of art that Benjamin describes and that, according to him is lost through reproduction, there is not only no uniqueness in the digital medium, but not even a unique form: the digital work of art exists only in a symbiosis of the content, the application (which might be divided in many cases in an application program and the underlying operating system), the computer hardware and the user. To put it another way around, in the digital work is a unique combination of software and hardware, so much so that is is hard to find two digital works that are identical.

2.3. Finally: A model of digital processing

For completeness, yet another step has to be introduced, which leads from the textual representation to the display of characters, which gives more control over the process of how the rendering is done.

In the previous model, no selection of a specific typeface, style, point size or colour was possible, also there was no way to control the positioning of the text on the page. Of course, all these dimensions did get a specific value, which simply was some kind of built-in value that some programmer decided when writing the program that displays the text.

To make this more explicit, we need to integrate this kind of information into our model, which looks now as in Figure 3. This image shows only the middle right part of the model in Figure 2, since this is the only part that has been modified. What is labelled `Selection of text attributes' is where the information about how to display a certain character is processed. Based on this information, the system looks for suitable font files, selects the appropriate glyph in these fonts, renders it in the desired size, colour and style and then displays it.

A portion of the model showing how text
					attributes are assigned

Figure 3   A portion of the model showing how text attributes are assigned

With this model in place, it is now time to look at some of the processes in more detail. The next section will discuss how characters as they exist in the world outside of digital media are encoded into digital form. This will be followed by a discussion of what was called `rendering process' here, but actually covers much more, depending from which angle one looks at it.

While the model in Figure 3 is complete as far as visual representation is concerned, there is another aspect of electronic texts that is not yet sufficiently represented, this is the `information content'. To accomodate for the proper treatment of information content, the model has to be refined once again, which will be done below, after discussing some of the aspects of the visual appearance in more detail.

3. From letters to characters

To understand how characters are processed in digital media, it might be useful to first consider the process of digitization itself.

3.1. The process of digitization

Digitization is the process of making something available in digital form. In this digital medium, everything is expressed by assigning numeric values. The range of possible values and the intervals by which these values are assigned, allow finegrained control over the result of digitization. The process of digitization is thus governed by the two parameters of `range of possible values' and the `Sampling frequency'4.

To illustrate this point, I have created three different images of a Kanji character as shown in Figure 4. These are grayscale images, all of them have the same range of possible gray ranges, but the `resolution', which in this case is the number of pixels used to construct a character, is different: the first one has 24 pixels per character, the second one 32 and the last one 48. They are here shown all scaled to the same size to make it easy to compare them.

The same character in different resolutions

Figure 4   The same character in different resolutions

As can be easily seen, the higher the resolution, the more of the details of the shape of the character can be captured, while the characters with the lowest resolution are difficult to recognize, especially since they are scaled up.

While it is possible to increase the resolution to capture more of the features of the graphical representation of images, or in this case, characters, this is neither efficient nor practical, since the optimal resolution would depend on the resolution of the device used to view the digital image, which can not be determined at the time of digitization and which can vary dramatically. Of course it is also possible to increase the range of possible values, for example to be able to capture colors and not just greyscale values as in the example of Figure 4, which will also result in increased fidelity of the digital image.

3.2. Representation of character shapes

Within the framework of pixels and values, the dilemma posed here cannot be solved. However, digitization can be based on any other framework as well. Figure 5 shows the character expressed as a filled outline.

A character with the defining points of the
				outline marked in red and green

Figure 5   A character with the defining points of the outline marked in red and green

The outline is described with mathematical functions, known as Bézier curves5. Instead of directly describing the character as a series of points that are either black or white, the desired shape is described by giving reference points where necessary and then describe the way these points are connected. With this method, a character form can be described independently of the actual point size it is later rendered at and it can be scaled without producing unwanted This operates on a much higher level, which can than be used to calculate the individual values for a given resolution at the time a character needs to be shown. The advantage of this abstraction is its higher efficiency and greater flexibility. However, since there is a process of abstraction involved in going from the concrete shapes of a character to its idealized mathematical description, this also means that some details do get lost. In this case however, this does not matter, on the contrary, what is desired here is the ideal shape, not one single concrete real shape.

3.3. The character / glyph model

As outlined above, the digitization process from individual formed letters or characters to digital representations involves a process of abstraction. This abstraction allows to group characters or letters of very similar shape together and represent them with the same character. There are however cases where even small differences in the shape of a character constitute a semantic difference that requires representation with its own entity. To account for these facts in all its complexity, a model had to be developped, which allows the handling of glyphs and represent them by characters, this has been called the `Character / Glyph model'.

Before discussing this model further, it might be useful to clearify the terminology used. Glyphs are the actual shapes as they can be seen on paper or any other medium that allows visual representation. Characters on the other hand are abstract entities based on their semantic value, these abstract entities can be visually represented with glyphs. Usually there is an unlimited range of glyphs that can represent one given character; glyphs can be seen as instantiations of a character that is itself not representable. Characters are identified and distinguished from each other by their semantic value6.

Digital encoding of text operates on characters, not on glyphs. This implies that the glyphs as they appear on paper have to undergo a process of abstraction to find the adequate character that has the desired attributes and thus can be used to represent the glyph. It is very important to note, that the selection of the appropriate character to be used is not only based on its form. There might be two or more similar glyphs available that are used to represent different characters, they have to be distinguished based on their other attributes and selected appropriately. 7.

This is a second layer of abstraction, which operates on a different layer than the abstraction mentioned above in the discussion of Figure 5. The abstraction there went from individual pixels to outlines, here we go from indivdidual glyphs to classes of glyphs, which can be seen as instantiations of characters.

4. The rendering process

With the character / glyph model in place, we can now look back to Figure 3 and try to understand the process of rendering more thoroughly. The characters have been assigned numerical values according to some `Coded Character Set', which in this case is The Unicode Standard. All information about exactly how a character looked previous to its digitization is now completely lost, all that is left is a simple number representing the character. In the model of Figure 3 for example, the character for `Buddha', 佛 has the numerical value 4F5B, 説 corresponds to 8AAC and so forth.

This method is fine and very efficient for data transmission and storage, but at some point the text needs to be shown to a reader again and will need some visual representation. For this purpose, a glyph has to be chosen from a font to render the character indicated by the codepoint on some display device. In some cases, for example on terminals or simple line printers, there is virtual no control on the rendering process, since only built in defaults are used. In the more general and also more frequent case, some control can be exercised over how the character is to be displayed: The font family8, font size, style and other attributes can be selected in many cases, but the exact mechanism to do so depends on the application used.

This selection of text attributes is represented by the central box in Figure 3. The lines in green with long dashes are representing the process from the codepoint through the selection to the selection of corresponding outlines of a font file, which is represented in the vertical box on the right hand side of Figure 3. From the selected outlines there are lines in red with short dashes, representing the process of rendering and laying out the desired glyphs according to the desired values.

While many word processing software implements ways to assign such a layout to text, it is clearly desirable to have an open and application independent way of doing so. One commonly used method is applying `markup' to the text, i.e embed the information into the text itself. Over the past decades, a number of markup languages have been developped, according to quite different models. Some of them assign text attributes directly to parts of the text, while others introduce another level of abstraction by naming parts of the text and applying the text attributes through application to these named parts. Markup vocabularies based on SGML9 or more recently XML 10 are designed to separate information related to the semantic analysis (or the `information content' of a text and its visual representation. Details of this will be discussed in the next secion.

5. Digitization as communication

So far, text has been only presented as a visual object. While this is an important aspect, it is usually not the most important one. The raison d'être of a text is the message it has for the reader. If the message is read and understood, there is little that needs to be kept of the text. No model of text processing could therefore be complete without taking this important aspect into account.

5.1. Markup: A method to imbed information into digital text

A major difference of text on analog media and digital text is the fact that the reader of a digital text is not only a human being, but might as well a computer program. While it certainly can not be said that computer programs to read, understand and appreciate texts, they can be programmed to perform certain actions triggered by features in a text. These rules might then analyze, transform and rewrite the text in a special purpose form for ultimate consumption by a user who requested this action to take place.

Using this terminology, a search request for example good be understood as a request to read all the target texts, compose a new text consisting of excerpts from these texts based on the occurrence of some search term provided by the user.

Even the rendering process as outlined above can also be understood in this terminology as a request to read the text and rewrite it to the display based on certain rules. The only difference here is that the rules will govern how different parts of the texts are displayed.

It should be evident that all these and similar processes would benefit enormously from a better understanding of a text. For this reason, there are a number of possible methods, but I will limit myself here to one example of this, which is the use of SGML/XML based markup vocabularies, specifically the one maintained by the TEI Consortium. 11 The TEI markup vocabulary defines a large set of elements, that can be used for general text markup, but also analytic linguistic markup, markup for dictionaries, transcriptions of spoken text and many other text types past or present, in all languages of the world.

Figure 612 shows how this concept of markup fits in the model of text processing. The section A and B of the model, which where only concerned with the visual representation, have now been supplemented with a section labelled C, which describes a model for the processing of the information content, in this case using the TEI markup vocabulary and the CSS stylesheet language developped by the World Wide Web Consortium. A model of digital text representation including
						the information content

Figure 6   A model of digital text representation including the information content

As can be seen in Figure 6, the markup describes verbosely what function has been assigned to portions of the text. The first few characters in this example have been labelled with the element <title>, which is some indication that the characters that are contained between the start tag of this element (<title>) and the end tag of this element (</title>) have been considered a title by the person who introduced this markup into the text. This information can than be used while processing the text. While the computer and the processing programs do not understand the meaning of a <title> element, the name `title' has been chosen by the developers of the TEI markup vocabulary so that those human beings applying and reading the markup can have some indication of the semantics that are associated with this element13. The information implanted into the text in this way can then be used to render the text based on this information. In the model of Figure 6, the text shown in the lower part of section B has the title rendered in slightly larger point size and with a bold face. Paragraphs (element <p>) are indented slightly and the place name in the first paragraph has been underlined to distinguish it from the other text.

While this is an important achievement, it certainly is not the only and also not the most important use of markup. More importantly, text with sophisticated markup can be analyzed with programs that make use of this markup to extract certain portions,

5.2. Limits and shortcomings

While the methods described in this model are currently in use in many places and can be seen as the most advanced methods for representing digital texts, they are not without problems.

As has been shown above in the section The character / glyph model, in the current model of digitization, the shapes of glyph instances are discarded and replaced with codepoints. Therefore, information about these shapes is not available by the time the glyphs are to be rendered again. This process clearly priviliges the information content over the visual representation. This model works reasonable well for alphabetic scripts, which inthemselves already implicitly contain this abstraction. Other scripts, for example the ideographic or logographic scripts of East Asia do not embody this abstraction. Moreover, the culture itself places a high importance on such differences, which are seen as significant, even if they do not contribute to the information content.

For this reason, the ongoing process of providing a Coded Character Set for Han characters14 has not strictly implemented this model, but rather accepted multiple glyphs of the same character, which have been assigned different codepoints. As can be seen, this process privileges the visual content over the information content, which poses severe challenges to the processing of the information content.

It should be obvious that it will be difficult to accommodate both the visual representation and the representation of the information content on the same level. Both have to be accommodated, but they have to be assigned to different layers in order to make both of them accessible. The current model as shown in Section C of Figure 6 has to be modified accordingly. It will be necessary to make it possible to preserve some of the information about the glyphs used in the original text, that is currently discarded on its way to the representation with codepoints. In the model, this is represented with a dotted line that branches out of the arrow connecting the original text outside of the digital world (Section B, upper part with dark background) with the codepoints representing the information content. To give an example, the dotted line extends actually from a character in the representation of the original text through the markup representation to the rendering in the lower part of Section B, showing how the information about which glyph was used has been lost.

This information has to be placed into the markup layer15

5.3. Future directions

It has been noted previously that the process of assigning numerical values to characters and also the process of assigning markup to portions of a text has to be seen as an interpretation of a text. Currently, only one interpretation is possible, thus clearly privileging a specific view of a text while at the same time making other views very difficult to hold. For most texts, the idea of having only one possible interpretation seems to be ridiculous, so clearly a way to accomodate conflicting interpretations and process them productively is a big desiderate and has to be taken account for future developments.

The process of digitization has been constructed as a process of increasing abstraction from characters to semantic units of texts. Visual and semantic properties have been shown as conflicting parameters of the construction of digital texts and will need further work to be accomodated. The semantic analysis has however not yet been applied to the lexical content of the text itself. Integrating such a lexical database, which should also contain the different graphical forms used for the representation (or, in the case of alphabetical scripts, different orthographical representations), together with information about its usage, could go a long way of mediating between these conflicting views of a text and on the same way provide even better ways to access and analyze the information content. This seems especially desirable where, as is the case with Buddhist texts, the analytic interests include not only literary or linguistic aims, but most importantly those that are concerned with what the texts have to say to their readers, thus contributing to a better understanding of the rich textual tradition of Buddhism.

6. Conclusions

In this paper, some attempts were made to develop a model for the processing of text in digital form. With more and more text transcribed and transformed into the digital medium, it is important to analyze the potential and pitfalls of current methods and seek for proper theoretical foundations.

The analysis presented here has been short and limited by the dimensions of an academic paper. It has shown however, that such an analysis is necessary and can uncover shortcomings in even the most sophisticated of the way texts are currently handled in digital form. To make informed use of the digital medium and provide a long term means of the very basics of our cultural traditions, it is necessary to further develop the ways these shortcomings are handled to avoid irrecoverable loss of information. While some directions have been shown, further research and a refinement of the underlying model of digitization is necessary to achieve this.


1. The initial essay was written in 1935, but was rewritten in February of 1936. The second version was assumed lost until its discovery in the Horkheimer Archive, published in 1991. This second version, published 1936 in an edited and reduced form in French was the only version that was published in Benjamins lifetime. Benjamin continued to work on this essay, as testified by letters and notes in 1938 and 1939. The modifications include reformulations and new material, but also drop some of the concepts of the second version. The third version has become the standard version used in most subsequent publications.

2. Reprinted in Siegfried Unseld (ed) Illuminationen, Frankfurt 1977, p.136-169.

3. In English available (as translation of the third version by Harry Zohn) in Hannah Arendt (ed.),Illuminations. Essays and Reflections, Schocken Books, 1985, p. 217-252. It should be noted that a literal translation of the title would read The Artwork in the Age of its Technical Reproducability. `Technical' has a much wider connotation than the pure `mechanical' and seems thus reflect Benjamins intentions better. In a similar way, `reproducability' points to Benjamins concern not just with existing forms of mechanical reproduction (photography, sound and film at his time), but the impact the potential to be technically reproduced has on all forms of art.

4. `sampling frequency' is the general term, but since I will be concerned mostly with spatial extensions, the more concrete and familiar term is `resolution', which I will use from now.

5. Named after the French engineer Pierre Bézier (1910-1999), who worked for the French car company Renault. He developed these curves in the late 1960's to represent a three-dimensional model of a car on computers. Bézier curves now form the underlying technology for all advanced font formats.

6. This includes a wide range of attributes, including the writing system that a character appears in, its name, the class its form is belonging to (upper or lowercase, if casing applies at all). Additionally, a character might be a representation of a numeric value, might be a word constituent, if the writing system uses words. For a good example of semantic values, see the character properties database of The Unicode Standard

7. The character / glyph model as represented here is slightly simplified. A full treatment of the matter can be found in International Organization for Standardization Information technology — An operational model for characters and glyphs (ISO 15285), 1998.

8. A font family is a not very well standardized way to categorize fonts according to some attributes, for example whether or not the include serifes. This is based on western typography and has very little relevance to the rendering of scripts other than alphabets based on the Latin script. Unfortunately, so far there is no established and well implemented procedure for any font selection mechanism that goes beyond vendor specific naming conventions.

9. The `Standard Generalized Markup Language', originated in the 1960's at IBM and was later further developped by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and adopted in 1986 as ISO 8879:1986. One of the most widely used markup vocabularies implemented as an application of SGML is the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) used in the World Wide Web.

10. XML, the `Extensible Markup Language', is a modernized version of SGML, developped with the stated intend of making it easily usable over the Web, but in a much more flexible form than HTML.

11. The Text Encoding Initiative, an international cooperative project with more than hundred scholars from many different disciplines of the Humanities, has successfully compiled and published: The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH), The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) and The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC) Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, edited by C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard, TEI P3 Text Encoding Initiative Chicago, Oxford, May 16, 1994.. The project has been recently reorganized into a membership consortium and the guidelines are currently under revision to bring them in line with some technical developments, but the underlying intellectual model has proved valid and does not require fundamental changes.

12. To preserve space, the leftmost portion of the model, which was labelled A has been left out, since there are no differences to previous versions of the model.

13. This naming scheme is of course biased towards English speakers, but the TEI allows its elements to be renamed in other languages, while the programs interpreting the markup still recognize the elements and the associated semantics.

14. currently, with the addition of more than 40000 characters in 2001, the total number of assigned codepoints for Han characters exceeds 70000, but the process of preparing extensions to this repertoire is still continuing.

15. Currently, the markup vocabulary maintained by the TEI Consortium does not have a good mechanism to accomodate this. Work is under way however, to remedy this situation and make this or a similar model actually usable.

Date: Time-stamp: "02/05/31 11:35:17 chris"  Author: Christian Wittern.