Christian Wittern: Digital Archiving, Saitama University Sep. 2009

Tentative outline of the course.

Table of Contents


What is archiving?

What is digital?


See Willard McCarty, Depth, markup and modelling and Humanities Computing (palgrave, 2005) Chapter 2.


Legal issues

Digital Text

How to represent a text in digital form?

Text as script act

Multi-layered model of textual dimensions

A presentation on this topic: Digital Text, Meaning and the World

Basic Technologies

Text, only text: Characters

More than text: Markup

Getting it together: XML

Living in a connected world

Self describing data

Digital Libraries - under the hood

Closing: what to take away from here

Author: Christian Wittern <wittern (at)>

Date: 2009-08-01 19:56:04